Must Try Rice Cake This Christmas

Got many things to share with you about food, especially this Christmas season. Christmas time is often associated with family gatherings and speaking about gatherings and reunion it means there are lots of foods that you get and consume exactly! You can serve all your very own favorite foods, maybe your own made or you buy it from a food cafe or a shop.

But again, talking about Filipino dishes you will be surprise what Filipinos can offer this holiday season.

photo credit: ibarra_svd via photopin cc

Food trip after Simbang Gabi(Filipino for "Night Mass") is one of the highlights after the mass, let's face it this is already a part of our Christmas attraction. You will see a mouth-watering array of snack food sold just outside the church, small stalks/kiosk are set up where vendors sell various snacks to warm the hands and tummy of churchgoers.

The popular food during Simbang Gabi are PUTO BUMBONG, BIBINGKA, PALITAW and 100% Native Tablea Tsokolate Drink or SIKWATI in Bisaya.

photo credit: mrwhitepatch via photopin cc

But the two locally made snack food PUTO BUMBONG and BIBINGKA are the most popular food that are always available during Christmas season.

BIBINGKA is freshly cooked between hot coals, and each has a tiny slice of a cheese and salted egg on top.

photo credit: chotda via photopin cc

PUTO BUMBONG made of glutinous rice and steamed in a small bamboo tube. It's very popular in purple color so that you won't have any trouble distinguishing from other rice cakes. When it is serve it has a melted butter spread on top with freshly grated coconut and brown sugar.

photo credit: arnold | inuyaki via photopin cc

Another thing I discover lately is the new presentation of a Puto Bumbong wherein instead of presenting it in a traditional way the EARLY BIRD BREAKFAST CLUB made it into a PANCAKE.

I smell Christmas already!  And what a better way to countdown to Christmas Day than with this!

Old tradition celebrated with Family, Relatives and Friends passed on to generations to generations bringing out the strong faith of us Filipinos. The importance of spending quality time once in a year and remembering that Christmas is about less of one's self but more all about CHRIST JESUS and others who needed our help.

FOOD is important in our presentation this season, the RICE CAKE has been a symbol of how abundantly we have for the past years, but the better way to celebrate it is our spiritual fellowship than with a freshly cooked rice cake and hot cocoa this Christmas.




  1. I've never tried puto bumbong ever and I wonder what that tastes like. Is this nearly the same taste as the bibingka only with a different color?

    1. It taste like PALITAW, much sweeter because when it is serve it has a melted butter spread on top with freshly grated coconut and brown sugar.

  2. I like puto bumbong and YEs, after simbang gabi we usually bought food like bibingka and puto bumbong and ask for tsaa or tea (made from boiled banana leaves) not chocolate.

  3. All time filipino favorites. Makes me hungry

  4. Simply loves going on Simbang Gabi, because of those yummy bibingka and puto bumbong.

  5. So yummilicious! How I wish to take a bite!~

  6. So sarap! I miss the putubumbong and bibingka a lot! It's really more fun to celebrate Christmas in the Philippines!

  7. I must not have tasted very good puto bumbong because I do not really enjoy it. Can you recommend where they sell good puto bumbong?

    1. Russ recommended Manila Hotel for Puto Bumbong and for the best bibingka in Metro Manila and it's in Quattro Bar and Grill in Quezon City.

  8. I have never heard about this dish. love to try this new dish. seems yummy

  9. I love puto bongbong. We don;t have them in the province. I miss them.

  10. the BIBINGKA looks yummy but we hardly find it here, have to go to philippines

  11. The puto bumbong is my all-time favorite and I'm happy to share with you that the best one I've tried is in Manila Hotel. I only got a recent growing appreciation for bibingka. I've not really liked it except this year. I may have found the best bibingka in Metro Manila and it's in Quattro Bar and Grill in Quezon City :)

    1. Thanks for this Russ..though I am from Davao City, if I will visit Manila I know where to go to try eat native delicacies.

  12. Have never tried any of those before. The puto bumbong sounds great with the coconut and brown sugar thou! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Wow.... lots of Flipino traditional foods. I love all those grills meat during my visit to Makati. :D

  14. Simbang gabi will never be complete without puto bungbong. Love how the Early Bird Breakfast made it a pancake! A great innovation from the traditional.

  15. Celebrating Christmas and New Year with such tasty delights must be a great experience for the senses. It would be a challenge for me to try some of them!

  16. I've never tried any of the food you mentioned but they sound delicious... The purple hue of the rice cakes made me wonder if they were made with a special ingredient.

    1. they are made of a powdered rice and some coloring...hehehehehe
