Red Bean Caffe ( A Fashion Cafe)

A fashion cafe boutique? A one-of-a kind concepts that includes coffee shops with fashion bags, watches, make ups, sunglasses, accessories and so forth at the same time.

RED BEAN CAFFE, a multipurpose concept store plus a cafe, creating a revolutionary retail integration of a communal interactive getaway for fashion and coffee lover like me.

For Fashion lovers they are recognized for signature purse, bags and accessories. For the COFFEE ADDICT their signature BREW COFFEE and for chocolate and fruit lovers they have FRAPPE and SMOOTHIES.

Though the place is fully aircondition I can still feel the heat of the summer so I ordered their DARK CHOCOLATE FRAPPE for only Php 105.

Dark Chocolate Frappe

Taste is good, not so very sweet.  I like it, particularly the dark chocolate they used.

They also have CAKES, PIES and CUPCAKES. But available that time is their Durian Pie and a Black Princess (Nutella Filling) Cake.

I order the latter.

BLACK PRINCESS(Nutella Filling Cake)

The cake is so light and fluffy. And I loved it!

Though I can attest that they lack of service, I understand their concept, but I suggest if they can make it more cozy and stand out against the uniformity of neighboring coffee houses because they have a very nice location.

All in all, we have a very nice and quiet meetup with my friends from the Ateneo Dance Troupe. They also have a FREE wi-Fi internet access, you can stay here for work or be with your gals and team.

These wonderfully designed place is located along Quimpo Blvd.,corner Sandawa Road, Ground Level inside the Pink Walters Bldg. wherein the CourtView Hotel is also located.

1 comment:

  1. Today Fashion become a passion of life and those picture really great and specially your dress so much beautiful.

    Jewellery fashion Combination
